Police HQ yet to execute ministry order

The police headquarters have not yet executed an order of the home ministry for withdrawal of 24 officers.
The ministry issued the order on March 24 for their withdrawal.
The police officers concerned were still on duties and had not received any official letters from the police headquarters as yet about their withdrawal from their current postings.
Some police officers attributed the reason to ‘political lobbying’ and interference by some higher officials.
The ministry of home affairs issued two letters to the police headquarters on March 24 to close the police officers concerned for negligence of their duties during the recent violence by Jamaat-Shibir activists and to monitor the activities of 18 police officers.
The officials were informed of the order for their withdrawal over phone but later they were asked to stay at their respective stations, sources in the police department said, adding that the
police headquarters was discussing the matter with the ministry.
The senior secretary to the ministry of home affairs, CQK Mustaq Ahmed, said that the order had not been withdrawn, it remained in force.
When approached by New Age, additional inspector general of police (admin) AKM Shahidul Haque confirmed the withdrawal order but refused comments when asked why they were delaying the execution of the home ministry’s order.
According to the order, Khulna range deputy inspector general Mesbah Uddin has been withdrawn to the police headquarters, Dinajpur district superintendent of police Devdas Bhattachariya has been transferred to Rangpur range, Khulna metropolitan police deputy commissioner has been transferred to Dhaka range, Gaibandha district superintendent of police Nahidul Islam has been transferred to Rajshahi range.
But the officials were still performing their duties at their respective stations till Sunday. They declined comments on the order.
When asked about the matter, Dinajpur SP Devdas Bhattachariya told New Age over phone that he had been mentally disturbed about the matter and refused further comments.
The ministry also ordered withdrawal of an assistant superintendent of police, 17 officers-in-charge of different police stations and an inspector of police. (Source)

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